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Nov 30, 2007

saftey in plastic surgery

Liposuction, which is also known as lipoplasty, is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed. Often, localized fat deposits may develop in various regions of the body. These regions usually persist in spite of proper diet and exercise, which contributes to the disproportionate appearance of the figure.

Where women tend to undergo lifts, men steer more toward reshaping and recontouring. Nationally, the top three surgical procedures for men are liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose work), and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). Men are going for Botox and skin treatments as well.

Even in-shape guys have love handles that tend to scream "flab." These areas usually can be eliminated with liposuction. Likewise, many men I see complain of fullness in the chest (and I am not talking pecs here) that diminishes their masculine look. California Liposuction provides excellent results here too. This surgery can help bring back the abs men had in college.

We also want to make our results help you embrace an improved overall lifestyle. We have developed a network of other professionals such as boutiques, personal shoppers, hair stylists, and personal trainers so we can help you continue the improved lifestyle begun with our procedures. Many of these professionals and style experts are our neighbors right here on Rodeo Drive. As the only plastic surgery center on this glamorous street, we want to help you embrace the lifestyle embodied by our unique neighborhood. Overall, we want to help you achieve a very happy result — for all procedures, such as california breast augmentation.

Aethetic surgery and plastic surgery are now very routine and safe cosmetic surgery procedures. But this does not mean we take it lightly. Beverly Hills plastic surgery is often a major undertaking, and we believe it should always be treated this way. We put your safety and comfort first. For this reason, we do all our procedures in our fully certified, state of the art surgery center. Our staff is trained in ACLS, which allows them to be prepared for and skilled in handling any contingency. Our procedures also are done with a physician anesthesiologist to further assure your safety.