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Mar 21, 2008

Your Guide To Tummy Tucks

A tummy tuck is a procedure that tightened the midsection and radical improvement in appearance. The procedure is not for everyone, so it's best to understand an abdominoplasty before you go forward.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

If you have tried every sit-up and heavy computing stomach move there, and are still far from your goal of a flat-as-a-board abdomen, and then an abdominoplasty, the right choice for you. An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, cosmetic surgery is a procedure aimed at removing excess flab from the abdomen, and the tightening of the abdominal muscles. Like all cosmetic procedures, it's not a "one size fits all" option. A tummy tuck is not a weight measure and should never be treated as one. It is a procedure for people who want to show their company and abdominal muscles, and have exhausted all their options. A tummy tuck is an invasive surgery, and those who choose to have it should take the time to educate themselves before making a final decision.

Who is eligible for a Tummy Tuck?

The number one requirement for anyone who is considering an abdominoplasty is a clean bill of health. Men and women who are in good physical condition in general are eligible to receive this cosmetic procedure. The best candidates for tummy tucks are women who have delivered babies and notice excessive sagging abdominal skin. A tummy tuck is the ideal option for those who have recently lost a large amount of weight, and have loose skin around their stomach area that is not affected by regular exercise.

Who would not be an abdominoplasty?

Those who have a history of cardio-vascular problems are advised against surgery, abdominoplasty. Also, if your digestive problems that may affect your eligibility for an abdominoplasty. Additionally, if you plan to lose more weight, it is an abdominoplasty can best be postponed until you are finished with your weight loss. A tummy tuck is not a quick solution to the weight problems, and should not be used in situations where diet and exercise may be your desired results.

What can you expect during and after a tummy tuck procedure

A tummy tuck is usually performed under general anesthesia, although in some cases local anesthetics may also be used. The surgery takes between 2 to 4 hours. Typically, the more skin and fat to be removed, the longer the duration of the proceedings.

Remember that an abdominoplasty is a type of surgery, which means that you can expect some swelling after the procedure. Usually all prescribed painkillers should alleviate the inconvenience you during your recovery. You may also experience some degree of pain, numbness, and that bruising May last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. You will probably also some general fatigue which should also correct itself in a few weeks.

The importance of the recovery period after your abdominoplasty

If you think a abdominoplasty means that you bounce off surgery bed in a bikini, think again! The incision area will be bandaged and will need to be taken care of properly to avoid infection. Your surgeon can advise you about this. Any kind of physical activity is also a strict no-no, at least for a period of six months after surgery. The scars, although they will significantly reduce over time, it will never completely disappear. Once you have sufficiently recovered, your doctor will prescribe lotions that speed up the lighting.

An abdominoplasty not magically give you perfectly sculpted washboard abs. However, it gives a more contoured and tauter sketch than before. The improvements are often dramatic, and people who have tummy tucks are some of our most satisfied patients.